Iphoneography: Copenhagen to Ljubljana, by Interrail


Copenhagen to Ljubljana– I present to you some of my best moments from my Interrail Tour with the help of my Instagram pictures.



Sunset at Nyhavn, 17th century waterfront of Copenhagen


1. My Interrail trip starts in Copenhagen with a sunset of all sunsets


Sunset in Nyhavn, Copenhagen’s stunning 17th century waterfront.

Picture says it all. Period.


Euro 2012 Fanzone park. Copenhagen. June 2012.



2. Copenhagen Fanzone, Euro 2012: I discover that Danes really know how to let loose and celebrate


9th June, 2012.

Danish fanzone goes nuts as the Danes beat the fancied Dutch.

Everyone starts hoisting their friends on their shoulders and running around the field like mad.

The pale blue evening sky briefly darkens under the cloud of flares.

I see a sea of smiles, of red and white.

It was great interrailing through Europe , seeing the Euro 2012 championships in every country.

Loved the fanzone-the atmosphere, passion on show and that shared sense of pride, patriotism.

I had an enviable 100% success record-every country I visited won during the championships ending with Spain beating the Italians.

Move over Paul the Octopus!



The first entry on my Interrail ticket. ICE 36, Copenhagen to Hamburg,
The journey begins…



3. Historic moment:

The first entry on my Interrail Ticket. Copenhagen to Hamburg on the ICE36.



Crossing the wide Baltic sea


4. Copenhagen to Hamburg on ICE 36

One of the epic moments of the Copenhagen to Hamburg journey with ICE 36 Β is crossing the Baltic Sea .The train gets swallowed into the Rodby-Puttgarden ferry.



Move over Ringo! Beatlemania, Hamburg


5. RIP Beatlemania, Hamburg


It was sad to learn that Beatlemania-one of my favourite museums in Hamburg was closing down.

Given how strong the roots the Beatles have in Hamburg, it’s a puzzling decision.

Here I am rocking the drums, just 2 weeks before they closed it’s doors to the public.

Move over Ringo!!


Obenci Dum, Prague


6. Obenci Dum, Praha


Obenci Dum is a stunning Art Noveau Cafe in Prague-I love going to this place for coffee and people watching whenever I’m in Prague.


Vienna loves nature


7. A hot day in Vienna, in the park

No museums.

I spent the Β day in the park, drinking some awesome beer .Was perfect.



Cafe Sperl, Vienna


8. Cafe Sperl. Vienna


Beautiful Vienna kaffeehaus. You feel like you walking back in time, the moment you enter this cafe.

For movie lovers, it’s also the scene for that confessional telephone game in the movie Before Sunrise between the lead characters, Jesse and Celine.



Railjet- Wien to Budapest


9. Finally, I discover free wifi on a train!

On the railjet train from Vienna to Budapest.

Takes just 2.30 hours and is one of the best trains I’ve been on.

Unfortunately , the free wifi stops when your cross the Hungarian border.


Sunset over Danube. Budapest



10. Watching sunset over the Danube inΒ Budapest was unforgettable.



Langos and Borsodi- Market Hall, Budapest


11. Lunch in Budapest- you have to try Langos.


It was midday . I’m at the Market Hall in Budapest.

Roasting outside , about 36C.

Inside, it was stuffy and the food area was overrun with tourists during lunch hour.

Luckily, I managed to get a seat.

Along with my very tasty Langos, got an awesome chilled pint of the local Borsodi beer.

That first sip was amazing.

Cost of the beer and Langos: Β£5.


12. Ticket booths. Budapest Nyugati Palyaudvar Station

Budapest’s Nyugati Palyaudvar Station



Budapest to Ljubljana-Epic.


13. Budapest to Ljubljana


Out of my 1 month Interrail Odyssey, the 9 hour Budapest to Ljubljana train ride was probably the most memorable train journey.

Part of the train track is not electrified .

The train changes it’s engine three times.

Plus it stops at every station along the way.


This trip is all about taking it slow and just enjoying the moment.

That is if you can keep your cool in the 36C heat , that too with no air conditioning.


I was lucky to have the company of local and FT journalist, Kester Eddy who’s been reporting from the region for last 40 years.

Every landmark or village passed, Kester had a great story to share.


Best moment: Engine change at Pragersko.

We weren’t sure how long the engine change was going to take but both me and Kester were thirsty, dying for a cool drink.

Kester reckons he had at least 10 minutes so he scampered off and grabbed a few Lasko’s for both of us and a bite to eat.

That beer tasted great Kester. One of the best beers I have ever had in my life. Thank you!



14. Picture postcard pretty Ljubljana.


I loved this city.

Maybe I got lucky- Ljubljana was relatively free of hordes of tourists that had plagued me since the beginning of the trip.

Could it be due to the fact that Ryanair or any other low-cost airline haven’t launched a route to Ljubljana yet>

It was quite neat , compact and easy to get around.


Cacao, Ljubljana- Best gelato outside of Italy



15. Gelato in Ljubljana – best I’ve tasted outside Italy.


There’s only one place to go- Cacao Gelato Bar.

You can sit by the riverside, watch the people walk by, watch the boats go by and stare upwards at the fairytale castle turrets soaring in the infinite blue sky.

Taste your gelato. You can choose from over 30 flavours.

Close eyes.

Drift away.







  • EurotripTips says:

    Sooo beautiful! I’m going on a Eurail trip myself in October, from Bergen to Brussels. This post has really gotten me excited for Copenhagen!

  • Ellen says:

    Great photos! Cafe Sperl looks delightful. Did you get to Cafe Demel for the best cakes in the world?

  • Paul says:

    Love the sunset picture of Copenhagen.

    We’re considering a trip to both Copenhagen and Hamburg next year and from the photos we’ve seen of Copenhagen it looks a great place.

    • Oh mate you’re going to love Copenhagen.
      Expensive, yes but a bit of planning in advance and you’ll be fine.
      Generator Hostel has a great location there- you might want to stay there.
      They love working with bloggers πŸ˜‰
      Plus they have a great location in Hamburg.
      Hamburg is a cool, post-industrial city with tons of fun stuff to do and a city with soul. Being a northerner you won’t feel out of place.
      Plus if you’re visiting Hamburg, take the missus to Lubeck-one of the most quaint and prettiest cities in the north.
      Are you interrailing?

  • Utia says:

    I am agree with your number 9 explanation. The best train in Europe in my opinion πŸ™‚

    • Hi Utia

      Yep-the Railjet train from Vienna to Budapest is the best train I’ve been on. I just was gutted when the wifi service disappeared as we crossed over into Hungary πŸ™

  • Muclbucl says:

    It’s nice to hear that you like our Cacao icecream πŸ™‚

  • Hello!
    I discovered that this is aaaalmost the exact route I am planning to do this summer. Would you say 1 month is enough? In reality I only have money for 22 days but I dont want to rush things. So just a quick opinion from a experienced interrailer.
    Also, do you feel like these cities are safe as a single woman?

    • Hey Katrine

      Thanks for dropping by.

      Think I covered 12 countries in 22 days- was pretty hectic. 1 month would have been better.

      Looking back, definitely I would stop over in Dresden: great city ( Check out my 48 hour guide on the blog )

      I flew from Milan to Barcelona with easyJet for 29 pounds which saved time and was great.

      All the cities are good for female solo travellers.

      Enjoy, add me on Facebook: Facebook.com/BudgetTraveller Be great to follow your trip -Love Interrailing….great way to see Europe.

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