How to use voucher codes to save money off your next flight or hotel


voucher codes save money flights hotels

Voucher codes.

Are you aware that airlines, hotels, visitor attractions frequently offer voucher/promotional codes that could offer you significant savings?

What kind of savings can you expect?

One of my favourite sites in the UK for vouchers codes is HotUKDeals where you can find deals, discounts and voucher codes on travel and a whole bunch of other goods and services.


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Voucher codes and deals are crowdsourced by HUKD community members on a daily basis.

For example looking today, I found an excellent £20 money off voucher code for Lufthansa, valid till 31st July, 2014.


Where can I find these voucher codes?


1. Easiest thing to do if often google the name of the airline or hotel along with the term ‘voucher codes’ or ‘coupon codes’ or ‘promotion codes’ to find if there are any voucher codes available.


2.   If you fly with a certain airline sign upto their airlines frequent flyer programme or e-mail newsletter. More than often, many travel brands will offer voucher codes and special deals to travellers who sign upto their newsletter.


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3. Besides HUKD, worth bookmarking sites like Voucherbox where you can currently find a host of voucher codes like £10 off Uber, 10% off any Dublin Hotel with Expedia or £10 off return flights with Monarch.


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4. The other site to definitely check out ( UK residents only ) is Quidco. Instead of giving you a money off voucher codes, if you book via Quidco you get cashback on your purchases. For example booking via Quidco you get 12% cashback on Expedia Hotels. ( A measly 1% on flights ) If you are booking flights with Norwegian Airlines the cash back currently amounts to 2.5%. So if you are booking a return flight with Norwegian from London to New York for say £350 return, that is a saving of £8.75.

The money is paid into your Quidco account and within 8-12 weeks of your purchase you can transfer the money into your bank account. So while you don’t get the money straightaway , my Quidco account now kind of acts like a mini savings account that I can use towards my next trip.


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5. If you are in the States, I’ve heard good reports about where you can get cashback on purchases via a host of travel websites of brands like Priceline ( upto 5%) Accor Hotels ( 2.5 %) to give you an example.

Hope you found this tip useful. Please do sign upto my newsletter for more more tips like this plus check out my earlier article where I’ve outlined 75 tips to save money when travelling in Europe.


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