Search Results for: germany

15 books that made me fall in love with Europe

15 books that made me fall in love with Europe

There is nothing as budget-friendly as armchair travel. Have you experienced that delicious feeling, where a good book whisks you away to a far-away place that seems so real, you are startled when the narrative ends, and you find yourself back again in your living room, snuggled up on your favorite couch? As a followup to…


The ultimate guide to low-cost airlines in Europe

In the past few years, the travel game has changed drastically. Where travelling by plane used to be an expensive mode of transport that could only be afforded by the rich, the rise in low-cost airlines means that nowadays it can be one of the cheapest ways to get around. Budget airlines offer cheap flights…

Cheap places to stay in Edinburgh : 7 of the best
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Cheap places to stay in Edinburgh : 7 of the best

Edinburgh is a great year-round destination with a host of amazing things to do in Edinburgh, ranging from climbing extinct volcano’s to lazing in Princes Street gardens while drinking in the beautiful vista of the Castle above your head or just going for a seafood supper in Leith, then a lazy stroll up the magical…